Sunday, January 3, 2010

Tag- About Me

Hey girls'
Well, I saw this on someone else's blog and thought it would quite a good tag to do seeing as I'm new!
I wasn't officially tagged, but thought I'd go ahead and do it - feel free to do it yourself!
Vital Statistics
Me: Louise
Nicknames: lou, lulu, luigi, louisey

Birthday: 18th January
Place of Birth: Dublin, Ireland
Zodiac Sign: Capricorn
Male or Female:
Student, part time sales assistant

Residence: Dublin
Screen Name:
Sugarplum Beauty

Hair Colour: Dark Brown
Hair Length: past my shoulder
Eye colour:

Best Feature: Smile i guess??
5ft 7
Nope –
When I'm in class kinda short- sighted.

just my ears – too much of a wimp to have anything else done
too much of a wimp for needles
Righty or Lefty:
Your 'Firsts'
First best friend: Aoife known her for years..
First Award:
The first one I remember was in my final year of secondary and it was the head teachers award lol.
First Sport You Joined: Babminton
First Real Vacation:
First Concert: Westlife – completely sad I know but I still absolutely love them!
First Love: this guy i met on holidays

Movie:Notebook,A walk to remember, beaches all the tear jerkers
TV Show: friends loving gossip girl at the mo tho!!
make-up wise nudes! With anything else I love the colour red!
Mgmt kids.

Candy: kinder bueno's
Store: right now it seems to be pennys or river island or topshop.
School: wasnt a big lover of school prefer college much more..
Book: the twilight series
Shoes: my trusty penny's black heels that are so comfy!!

Feeling: tired was in work today :(
Single or Taken:
Eating: nothing at the mo had a lovely roast for dinner
today still stuffed

Typing: This blog
Listening To:
Alexandra Burke's album

Thinking About: bed

plenty of sleep!!
Watching: tv is off for once!!
pj’s and my fluffy socks
Want Children?: yes
Want to be Married:
Course some day in the future

Careers in Mind:
human resource manager or bank clerk.. something to do with business

Where do you want to live?:
Not really sure – maybe the country somewhere like galway would miss city life tho
Have you ever..
Kissed a Stranger: Yup
Had Alcohol:
Nope – I’m extremely anti smoking!
Ran Away From Home:
tried to
Broken a bone: Nope
Got an X-ray:

Broken Someone's Heart:
I don't think so

Broke Up With Someone:

Cried When Someone Died:
Yes many many times
Cried At School:
many many times – I cry very easily so this wouldn’t have been a difficult task!
Do You Believe In..
God: Yes
I don't really know tbh sometimes..

Love At First sight:
Soul Mates:
Heaven: Yeah
I would like to think that there is somewhere we go afterwards..
would like to think that those people who do horrible things in this life don’t get to ruin where we go afterwards
Kissing on The First Date:
Depends on how the date is going
most the time!
thats all for now i will be posting up more beauty related posts soon just have to get a new memory card for my camera:)
Thank's for reading

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

20 questions tag

I thought this would be a good idea to answer some questions so I can tell you all a little bout myself, I also love reading these type of posts aswell J

Okay, so here goes..

1.Thing you cannot leave the house without

My phone would be lost without it

2.Favorite brand of make-up

Drugstore wise I guess it is Revlon and BarryM and rimmel. High end range would be mac.

3.Favorite Flowers

Im obsessed with flowers at the mo a lot of my fave items of clothing have flowers on them lol.

I do love lllies and daisies.

4.Fav clothing stores

My favourite clothing stores must be, Penneys(primark), topshop and river island.

5.Fav perfume

I love Thierry mugler alien and lancome hypnose.
6.Heels or flats

I normally wear flats during the day and heels at night.
7.Do you make good grades?

Erm I say my grades are normally average mostly get c's.
8.Fav colors

I love blue and red.
9.Do you drink energy drinks?

Not really they are too sweet for my liking.

10.Do you drink juice?

Yes i do :)
11.Do you like swimming?

I do i have to get back into just weather is too cold at the moment to go..
12.Do you eat fries with a fork?

Depends where i'm at, restaurants yes, home no
13.Whats your fav moisturizer?

Erm really like benefit Dear john but its kinda expensive so i normally get olay moisturising fluid for dry skin does the job :)
14.Do you want to get married later on in life?

Yes, ofcourse someday.
15.Do you get mad easily?

I try to not get mad, I don't with little things but something keeps annoying me i will. Don't like confrontaton tho.<>
16.Are you into ghost hunting?

No haha strange question..
17.Any phobias?

Spiders and heights oh and clowns aswell lol
18.Do you bite your nails?

No, not really i sometimes do when i'm nervous.
19.Have you ever had a near death experience?

Nope, thank god :)
20.Do you drink coffee?

Yes sometimes, i don't really like coffee but if need a bit of energy l will have a cup. I love tea tho cant live without it.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

My first ever Blog post :)

Hi !!!!

Well here is my first ever post! You will have to bear with me while I work out what I'm doing, but I'm sure I'll figure it out..
After months of following blogs created by other people, I have been inspired to create my very own.

As the title box suggests I am interested in anything beauty and fashion related so expect to read about my latest shopping trips and my opinions on what i've purchased. My blog will also include face of the days and i may put posts that are not beauty related such as tags going around etc..
Thats all for now :)